struct About {
var degrees: [String: String]?
var awards: [String: String]?
var likes: [String]?
var skills: [String]?
var resume: Data?
justin.about.degrees = ["San Jose State University": "B.S. Electrical Engineering, 3.31",
"Santa Barbara City College": "A.S. Physics with Honors",
"Santa Barbara City College": "A.A. Mathematics with Honors"]
justin.about.awards = ["SJSU Senior Project Symposium": "Best Group Oral Presentation",
"SBCC 2012 Fall Semester": "President's Honor Roll",
"SBCC 2012 Spring Semester": "President's Honor Roll"]
justin.about.likes = ["Linux",
"iOS Development",
"Embedded Software Development",
"Web Development",
"FPGA Digital Design"]
justin.about.skills = ["C++",
"ARM & PIC Assembly",
justin.about.resume = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: "resume.pdf")